A collection of thanks to those who have supported me.

Tawni Fus
a Few Words
Published in
Oct 20, 2020


Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

Thank you for every time you help me when I’m breaking down and can’t handle things anymore.

Thank you for helping me to put me first.

Thank you for your unconditional love and support.

Thank you for every moment we spend together that brings joy and sunshine to my life when the storm clouds are rolling in.

Thank you for supporting the decisions I make and letting me learn and grow through my own experiences.

Thank you for keeping me on track to meet goals when you know they mean a lot to me.

Thank you for helping to fill the silences with just comfort, love, and fun. No sound necessary.

Thank you for understanding when I’m looking for solutions, and when I’m looking for a shoulder to lean on.

Thank you for dealing with me when I’m frustrated, even if it means I’m taking it out on you who doesn’t deserve it.

Thank you for being my sounding board, even if I don’t need your input. Just being able to talk out loud to another presence can be enough.

Life can be difficult. Life can be fun. But it’s finding those who help you when you’re down and struggling that can make all the difference. Whether it’s a phone call with a stranger, or an in-person family member with a relative, friend or partner, there is someone out there willing to help.

When you’re ready, we’re ready to listen to you.

Telehealth Ontario: 1–866–797–0000

Find your CMHA: https://cmha.ca/find-your-cmha

Mind Your Mind: https://mindyourmind.ca/help/where-call

CheckPoint: https://checkpointorg.com/global/



Tawni Fus
a Few Words

UI/UX designer with a love for combining creativity and technology.